Saturday, February 6, 2010

Tablets India Can Someone Advise Me On Where To Buy Glucosamine Tablets In India.?

Can someone advise me on where to buy glucosamine tablets in India.? - tablets india

The tablets are to my father, who suffers from arthritis.


  1. Try shopping online or in a convenience store. I hope your parents in order! My grandmother and listing artheritus was shocking for them. Make sure that it is not in the hands of the evil doctor. But still ... You may want to go to a doctor and get a prescription drug. If India is Anywayz? This could be in a position, a business guide ... Or you could try ... ...
    I have googled. You can achieve many results

  2. Herbalife has some great Glucosamine tablets also selenium. If you are in the Herbalife Web site and see if they are in India, then you can find a dealer. This is an Australian site I am sure you will steer in the right direction.
