Monday, February 8, 2010

Albania I Do Have A Special Identity Card For Aliens Of Hellenic Descent.I Am In Albania.How Can I Get Australian Visa?

I do have a Special Identity Card For Aliens Of Hellenic Descent.I am in Albania.How can I get Australian Visa? - albania

I have a special passport for foreigners Hellenic Clock Descent.I in Albania.How I get a visa for Australia? How difficult is it for me?

1 comment:

  1. I think you need a passport to get an Australian visa, can confirm the card you speak primarily a residence in Greece, but not the Greek. I do not think that Australia issued a visa or entry permit on the basis of the map.

    In theory, I think you are a citizen of Albania and the need for an Albanian passport for a visa.

    However, it seems there are some contradictions in what I have found the answer, dass It seems that the card is issued when there is at least a Greek grandfather, who needs the qualities to seems to be a worthy citizen, either by testing Standing or through naturalization to anyone who has a residence (I think is the card, but it is the law and legal issues can be complicated.).

    The answer is simple, if you are a citizen of another country, you will apply for your passport and a visa.

    To see more information about the value of the card, 463 ...

    and acquire a discussion of the Greek citizenship or prove that

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